Speak To The Wind

The environment darkened. The wind raged. The rain drops as if in anger. I closed the curtains. Spoke in tongues & I believe its from the Holy Spirit, I began speaking to the wind to stop, the bad weather to cease & I kept speaking & speaking with a strong determination that I’ll only stop when the nature will be calmed. Half hour later, the sun shines, the light turns back on as if it never has its frenzy for a while. The sky turns blue, the trees are calm & I just know that He honors my childlike faith.

Jesus said, if you believe in me, you will do what I do & I just did without hesitations. I’m totally in awe of how God responds to faith. But the truth is, it’s totally the Holy Spirit enabling me to do it because to be honest, I was alarmed of the darkness in the afternoon & fearful of the angry wind & if I have to follow me, I’ll hide inside the cabinet until it stops or may not stop.

Mark 4:39
He got up, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Silence! Be still! The wind ceased, and there was a great calm. HCSB

💜💜💜 Jesus Loves You 💜💜💜